Saturday, 25 January 2014

Does Volume As Far As Curves Go In Women Translate To True Beauty?

Forgive me for my naivety but I am still wondering why some women have been behaving like they have lost all their sense. A peek at the news headlines recently says it all; women are losing their sanity in the name of enhancing their beauty. We have all at one point heard or watched the story of the woman who was injected with industrial silicon to enhance her curves and of course edges and she ended up with her initial physique but this time she had no limbs.

We would wish to blame people who inject the silicon and other hormones in the name as others sell creams for the same purpose but shouldn’t these women be mindful of their own decisions? So various women have come out to complain about how they purchased counterfeit creams to apply in a bid to realize their dreams of owning some apple bottoms and others still fall prey to the same fate. Some of our women have become like moth attracted to light when it comes to these much talked about menace of backfired beauty enhancers

Women have refused to be deterred from getting that body that will turn heads, men’s heads, as they walk by and it’s at this point that one seeks to know what beauty translates into. In my opinion it’s one thing to be seen and another thing to be felt. Women should strive to be felt, to make a difference not by appearance but by deeds. Of course we all want to look smashing, make the ground tremble and gain approval of the male peers but certainly not at the risk of normality.

Someone needs to remind the ladies that if it is to gain attention they should attempt to be mindful of what extent they are willing to go for it. The late Wangari Maathai, Julie Gichuru, Condoleezza Rice, Michelle Obama, Margaret Kenyatta, Ajuma Nasenyana and the whole list of powerful women and inspirational women are not a case of beauty by body curves but beauty by making a difference. Women need to start being smart.

Courtesy: J Mahinda

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